Rules and Guidelines: Please respect and kindly abide by the rules and guidelines presented below. It is illegal to breech copyright and privacy policies.
Important Terms and Conditions of this site and its content usage: You may not use any of this site’s content, graphics, files, text for anything other than informational purposes. You may not modify or alter any of the site’s content or use it to sell or promote. We will not guarantee and and will not assume responsibility or liability if you violate the privacy policies.
tennisbuddys project management: All content for tennisbuddys is created, code and content edited and managed by Aruna C Bernier.
tennisbuddys creative content: tennisbuddys logo and tennisball mascot and tennispeople mascot has been sketched and hand created by Aruna C Bernier. tennisbuddys reserves the rights to this and other creative content on this site. All creative content, including layout and design materials, artwork, photography, other original works of creation is the sole right and property of Aruna C Bernier and Tennisbuddys,LLC. You may not use it for selling, copying, promoting or misusing them in any shape or form. Thank you!
Tennisbuddys Photography and Video: Special coaches husband and son, tennis students, parents and TennisBuddys for photos and videos on this site and other social media tennis sites like Twitter and Facebook TennisBuddysLLC business pages, used solely to promote tennis lessons and our program and share with our tennis students, parents and other tennis coaches. All photos and videos are the sole property of Aruna C Bernier and Tennisbuddys,LLC. You may not use it for selling, copying, promoting or misusing them in any shape or form. Thank you!