How to Sign up for our program
Everything you need to know before signing up for our tennis programs including our policies is here!
Group tennis lessons:
Before you register and pay for our group tennis classes always go check SCHEDULE under "Junior" and "Adult" links and click on the "sub links" to find out which dates, days and times classes are offered. Each month it may change so always check the dates first. Those who pre-pay for all the dates offered get 1st priority. Those who only want a few dates check with coach first if there is space available!
For Private tennis lessons: Go to our "private lessons" link under Junior and Adult tennis links.
Always check your personal schedule and then our class schedule which has dates classes will run, before registering with us. Any classes you are absent for once you sign up will not be refunded, credited or made up for any group tennis lessons.
Registration begins 1st of each month for the "next month of group classes" and dates will be indicated on the "SCHEDULE" CHECK THE DATES AND TIMES ALWAYS! . Those wanting all dates offered must register as these students makeup the class. Without a registration we do not accept students, registration is mandatory each month so we know which student signed up for what day, time, type of class, how many per week. Registration & payment must be made together or your spot will not be confirmed! First come first served! We only take month to month registrations, do not sign up for 3 months at once. We do not offer that option at the moment.
To register go to the register link on top right hand corner of the page, click and follow our online registration forms.
Those who want and can take only 1 or 2 classes, check with coach first each week if there is space available and you can do last minute Drop-IN
Once you register we will send you the Zelle code for payment! We only accept Zelle pre-pay or cash in advance! Rates are under each program page for each class. Registration and payment must be completed together same time "for the next month of tennis classes". Check the dates classes are offered each month before paying. It is your responsibility! Those who pre-pay for all the dates offered get first priority. If you only want to do a few classes check with coach if there is space for you to drop-in!
PAYMENT NOTES: Always put "student 1st name", "month signing up for", "day", "class description" on payment notes on ZELLE so your spot gets confirmed asap! Example: John/May/Mon/FSb. Schedule may change month to month always check "SCHEDULE" online before signing up!
All students must have filled out our 5 page liability and consent form once for each new calendar year in order to be able to participate.
If you are a NEW STUDENT, as soon as you register coach will send you our 5 page liability and consent waiver forms and Zelle codes to pay.
If you do not complete all 5 pages and sign all 5 pages we cannot accept your registration and payments. If you do not agree to anything on the waiver please do not sign up!
When you prepay in advance for 4 or more classes by 1st -5th of the month "for the next month of tennis classes" you get 10% discount. Under each adult & junior tennis program hourly rates per class is specified.
After the 5th of the month all must pay the hourly rate times the number of classes/dates you want there is no discount if you pay after the 5th of the month.
Complete beginners may not pay for just 1 or 2 classes and drop-in you must sign up for all dates offered.
There are no sibling discounts!
Once registration, payment and liability forms have been completed you will be sent a confirmation email before your classes start. We will notify you that you or your child/children's spot is confirmed. Sometimes it takes a few days for Zelle payments to clear so please kindly be patient. Thank you!
Once you have signed up and taken a spot in our group tennis classes there is no refund, make up or credit for cancellations or absences due to change in your schedule or sickness.
If you have an injury, surgery and will be absent for a long period you can ask for a credit but must have a doctor's consent emailed to coach that says "YOU ARE FIT TO PLAY TENNIS AGAIN" .
Change in headcount in every group class effects the whole class. Coach has to make last minute adjustments to lesson plan and equipment. Every detail, rates, schedule, description, how our classes run, our policy has been outlined on our website before you sign up. Once you have signed off you have to follow our policy for our programs to run smoothly without a hitch so all participants are fully benefitting and enjoying our tennis classes. Thank you all!
Credit: Credit is provided if you have a long illness or sports injury and you provide a doctors note saying "fit to go back to playing tennis". You or a family member can take advantage of the credit within the next 3 months of classes. After that the credit will be cancelled!
Refund: The only time we offer refunds is if a specific class does not meet the minimum required head count to run and that class gets cancelled. When this happens, coach gives you a choice or refund, credit to next month or if you wish to add more money to turn it into a private or semi-private, or group private lesson (meaning no one else can join it is your private class).
Please drop-off and pick up your children on time. Please do your best to attend classes on time so we can start together and you don't miss out on important instructions.
We all have emergencies, if something comes up and you will be delayed always txt coach. If you will be absent please txt coach. The number of students attending each day effects the lesson plan and equipment coach needs to bring to court as well as the whole class.
The class rates are based on min and max students. If we only have 1 or 2 students show up, our full hour classes go to 1/2 hour semi-private lessons without being charged the semi-private lesson fees. Please note this and be courteous to other parents so we can notify them ahead of time the class time has been cut in half.
There are no refunds, credits or makeups for absences or delays, you lose the time and the class fees.
Makeup classes are only held due to weather issues or coach absence.
When a class gets cancelled, it is at the coaches discretion to call a makeup on any given day and time (depending on clear weather). If you do not attend the makeup class you do not get a refund, credit or makeup of a makeup. You lose the class.
If a makeup class also gets rained out the class will be dismissed! We do not do a makeup of a makeup of a makeup class as we complete all lessons for that month within the full month. Classes cannot go to the next month as there will be a bottleneck. We do our best to makeup all weather related tennis classes the same month as well as coach absence classes (very rare)
You may not show up to a similar tennis class to do a makeup class on another day. Makeups are assigned to each specific group class with head count, you must come to that class. We have a student head count restriction for racket safety so a class head count does not go past max on one court. The only time class can overflow is if coach decides to combine makeup classes and it is at coaches discretion to do so!
Coach will group txt you for makeups and cancellations ahead of time by looking at various weather radars and pick a dry day on either venue.
REGULAR STUDENTS: Students who sign up for all the dates classes are offered for the month get first priority and get confirmed spots! These are our "regular" students who makeup the class head count for group lessons to run. They must register/pre-pay together! Once they have registered and paid there is no refund, makeup or credit for any classes missed!
DROP-IN: If you can only do 1 or 2 classes a month you do not have to register or pay for a full month of tennis classes. Opt to do Drop-in by checking with coach each week if there are spots available. You can txt coach a few days before to check and hold your spot with Zelle Drop-In fee if there are extra space. We do not hold a spot for anyone without payment even for drop-in tennis!
If you are a complete beginner you cannot drop-in you must take full month classes so you know the basics.
Our small business tennis tries to provide the best service to our communities to the best of our abilities.
We provide loaner tennis rackets for all who don't own one for the duration of the class, as long as they need. Always leave our rackets after use on court so others can use it. We clean and disinfect our tools after every use.
We provide tennis balls, training tools, grips are changed frequently. If you need a new grip for your own racket coach will grip it at no expense other clubs charge for.
Coach gives students tips on how to save money on sports attire, shoes, tennis rackets, strings, stringer, everything you need.
Our fees include: court rental, tennis loaner rackets, strings, grips, sanitization equipment, training aids, all transition/regular tennis balls, website hosting, designing, coding, maintanence, domain name, insurance, tax, coach certification/membership fees, court maintenance and court enhancement supplies (net, lines, paint), training aids (cones, donuts, ladders, skill builders), gifts and prizes for children, new TournaFriend© hosting (plan, prep, prizes, coach time, rental per court) and more.
Students and parents are expected to follow our code of conduct once you read our "How to Sign Up" page and have signed our liability and waiver forms.
Parents and siblings any spectator are not allowed on the tennis court, they must be outside the court playing area. This is for safety reasons as well as no distractions.
There is no coaching allowed as a spectator. We encourage you to stay and watch and cheer or run errands if your children are old enough to be on their own and use the restrooms.
Disruptive and unruly behavior is not tolerated by a student or a parent. In the case of any hindrances (misconduct, harassment, or noncompliance to our policies) with fair warning the student or parent will be removed from our tennis program with partial refund!
Coaches expectations are, students come ready to learn, follow, progress and have fun. If a student is not ready to follow and be a part of our team and causes safety issues by not following lesson plan or disrupts the entire group class, they will be sent home with parent right away (no credit, makeup or refunds). If your child needs one on one attention please sign up for private tennis lessons.
Both venues are private tennis courts. Students may not come earlier to warm up on the court or stay later to play on court. Each class starts and ends at the time allocated for that class and coach must be present for students to get on court. No one can stay after class to continue practice on court!
We as a small business have to follow our agreement policies we have entered into with our court owners. Thank you all for your kind cooperation!
Coach is only responsible for students for the duration of the tennis class. Parents you are responsible for the safety of your students before and after class. Coach runs classes back to back sometimes or has to run to another class between two locations. Parents please pickup and drop off your students on time. Make time for traffic and note we do not have lights on the court so pick up your student before dark right after class so they are not left alone. Thank you!
Always go to your Junior or Adult specific program page "SCHEDULE". Dates are always assigned each month to classes dependent on when we take time off.
We only observe long holidays when both students & parents get to take time off. Any short holiday there are still a lot of families working in town so we run classes nonstop all year long unless. Always check the dates on each program schedule which changes each month so before you sign up check dates first!
Group Email/TXT Reminders:
These are just courtesy reminders that coach sends to go the extra mile, understanding how busy everyone is. It is always YOUR responsibility to check our website for your scheduled day, time that you signed up for as everything is online for your convenience. Any missed classes, absences will not be refunded, made up or credited.
Before your first tennis class starts for that month you have signed up for, coach will send each separate group class a courtesy email reminder with full details. It will have the class time, day, location, dates, times, all information pertaining to that specific tennis class which is also on our website. Make sure this email does not go into your junk folder and always mark your calendars. There is no makeup, credit or refund for any absences period!
Once class starts Group TXT & other tennis class notifications may be sent to each tennis class for class cancellations and makeup classes. Please do not use these group texts for anything other than tennis classes coach is referring to. No solicitations period!
If you have tennis questions not pertaining to the notification txt always direct message coach!
IF YOU WISH TO ADD ANOTHER PARENT to our email or group txt, let coach know.
OPT OUT: Almost all have told us these reminders are very helpful in their busy lives. If you wish to OPT OUT of grp txt or grp email please let us know and we will take you out. But if you miss classes due to missing important information is your responsibility. You can always check our website (every information is available online) and if you still have questions check with coach.
Adult and Junior tennis classes run 1 or 2 hours depending on the type of class you signed up for. Full description is listed on our program pages.
We run our program all year long but you must check the dates classes are offered on program page "SCHEDULE" . Each months the dates maybe different, times maybe different always check before paying! This is your responsibility as dates will be indicated. Never assume the class you want will continue on the same days and times. It changes per season as we do not have lights on the court!
Registration opens 1st of each month "for the next month of tennis classes". If you decide to sign up earlier please note there maybe changes on the schedule leading up to the 1st of the month. It is first come first served those who register and pay for all the dates offered get first priority.
Registration is mandatory for each month without it we do not accept students. Registration each month tells us you are interested to continue, tells us what dates, days and times and how many classes a week and which month you are signing up your student for.
Registration and payment must be made together first come first served usually 8 students is the max and rest will be put on a waiting list. Some classes run on more courts so we take more students.
Liability form for each new year must be filled to participate! There are no refunds, credits or makeups after you have signed up and taken a spot in our class.